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New releases by Jean Christophe

  • Written by Cervo
  • Published in news
  • Read 147 times
Jean Christophe released a new version V1.01 of his really nice Normandy Island and V1.00 of his German Tiger, both for WWIIEC, with a demo mission made by STiT! :)

Some bugs are fixed on Normandy island, such as collision with the trees, invisibility in the fields, IA in the buildings... and more. The Tiger is featured in 3 variants.

DOWNLOAD (from mirror #1) - JC Normandy island V1.01 [15 Mo]
DOWNLOAD (from mirror #2) - JC Normandy island V1.01 [15 Mo]

DOWNLOAD (from mirror #1) - JC Tiger V1.00 [2,57 Mo] (link fixed)
DOWNLOAD (from mirror #2) - JC Tiger V1.00 [2,57 Mo] (link fixed)

DOWNLOAD (from mirror #1) - Normandy/Tiger demo mission [4,1 Mo]
DOWNLOAD (from mirror #2) - Normandy/Tiger demo mission [4,1 Mo]