More sources to be added in the future.
Website Update
I've upgraded my addon search engine:
- created a list of files from 10 different torrents (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) which I'm currently seeding
- created a list of files from Snafu's Google Drive folders
- created a list of files from sites: ofp.pepajs.cz, fdfmod.dreamhosters.com, OFP script database, laking.d250.hu, ofp.toadlife.net, ofp.pl, shadow-warriors.org, ctitc.com.downloads
- scrapped Mediafire links from BI Forum and Seth's Barcello list
- added option to search by BI Forum topic author
- added navigation buttons because of the large amount of results
More sources to be added in the future.