Modified Spectating Script v1.4
Modified version of Kegetys' Spectating Script.
Neveklov Conquer v0.78
Type: Capture and Hold
Slots: 40
Island: Nogova
Respawn: Group
Description: American forces want to capture Neveklov. Unexpectedly, so do Soviets.
Needed Addons:
BN_tracer_red v1.2  (61 KB)
Editor Addon v1.11  (63 KB)
Footprints v1.1  (84 KB)
Joint Ammo and Magazines 3 (fixed6)  (16 MB)
TACTEvents  (132 KB)
Best playable with 8 players (each control one group).
Uses negoview script by Dadll.
Uses Fwatch v1.1 (optional).
(105 KB)
Type: Capture and Hold
Slots: 40
Island: Nogova
Respawn: Group
Description: American forces want to capture Neveklov. Unexpectedly, so do Soviets.
Needed Addons:
BN_tracer_red v1.2  (61 KB)
Editor Addon v1.11  (63 KB)
Footprints v1.1  (84 KB)
Joint Ammo and Magazines 3 (fixed6)  (16 MB)
TACTEvents  (132 KB)
Best playable with 8 players (each control one group).
Uses negoview script by Dadll.
Uses Fwatch v1.1 (optional).