Show installation details From version:
Fixed invalid texture aspect ratio.
Exit button in build menu is now functional.
Action to drag yourself will not appear.
In mission EightyEight other players first aid action won't appear to you.
In spectating script button "missile cam" was showing up on startup - fixed.
Added T34 addon from WW2 Pack by OFPCAT (it's required by "NaRatunek" mission).
Modified "JC_panzer_cfg" addon to use the T34 addon.
Modified mod config to preload "JC_panzer4" addon.
Script fixes for "EightyEight" mission.
Updated anims.pbo
Redoing PBO modification in order to correct file modification dates (because of MakePbo.exe bug).
Fixed NIM_Weather addon so that it works correctly with 1.99 version of the game