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Folder name |
Description |
Added by |
@ChurchDefence |
This is a standalone FRevive 1-3 co-op mission pack. The missions are based on the same base mission, but in 3 different difficulty settings. It's more of a generic defense mission than a dynamic mission. Missions by charliehumbleyb. This mod uses a modified version of 'myhisky' sky pack. See included readmes for credits. This mod has only English language support. You can replace 'config.cpp', 'Data.pbo' and 'Data3D.pbo' without causing any real issues. Tested for compatibility with @ww4mod25+@ww4mod25_fgs. Send feedback to '[email protected]'. |
charliehumbleyb |
@ColdWar |
COLD WAR MOD made by Makin A canonical story for OFP, which takes place in the 70s. The mod is represented by the classic sides - USSR, USA, RESISTANCE. The emphasis is mainly on the infantry, but there is also a certain amount of vehicles. There are many new add-ons, there are also modernized ones from those already released. |
tupasvideo |
@ctitc7 |
The League CTI Season 2007 based on BIS crCTI (crCTI without addons). 21 MP missions available |
faguss_pl |
@ctitc8 |
The League CTI Season 2008 based on BIS crCTI. 10 MP missions available |
faguss_pl |
@cti_extras_1.2(light) |
Ammo Bug Cleaner v2, pwr_para, No Voice and editorupdate 102. Compiled by Gen. Bergfruehling |
faguss_pl |
@destrbuild |
The ultimate solution for destructible buildings |
RozekPoland |
AddOn Pack for DMA Dynamic Afeghanistan + Dynamic Libya + Dynamic SAS + DMA Random Wars (Missions\Campaign included) |
tupasvideo |
@ECP |
Modified ECP 1.085e for use on The Graveyard Shift server |
faguss_pl |
@ECP |
OFPEC Enhanced Configuration Project 1.085 made by ECP Team. Provides additional special effects, improved sound, realism enhancements. |
faguss_pl |
@ECP |
"ECP REDUX" A complete replacement mod for Operation Flashpoint aka ARMA Cold War Assault. Massively improves the GRAPHICS and PLAYABILITY of this classic game! |
tupasvideo |
@EnhancedMyhisky |
This is my attempt at a simple enhancement of the original 'myhisky' sky mod. Note: Without smooth sky transitions. Enhancement is based entirely on the original released mod files for 'myhisky' sky pack. See detailed credits/modifications in the included readme file. Credits to: 'wheres my rabbit ?' (myhisky), 'kegety', 'llauma' and 'inq'. |
charliehumbleyb |
@ETON85plus |
ETON85plus features: This is a basic enhancement mod that can be used in OFP1.96/1.99, replacing the remake of the character vehicle gun model with a high-precision model of all equipment that meets the characteristics of the old school. AI performance and weapon performance are closer to the real situation, and firearms have shell ejection actions. And more visual effects and sound effects. |
tupasvideo |
Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana Modification for Venezuelan Army |
tupasvideo |
@ffsx2007 |
FFUR/SLX 2007 2.5 is a total conversion mod adding modern units and effects combined with special effects and enhancements from the SLX mod. Made by FFUR Team. |
faguss_pl |
@ffsx85 |
FFUR ’85 (2008 Edition) 1.05 is a total conversion mod (based on the same theme as the original game Cold War Crisis) combined with special effects and enhancements from the SLX 1.1 mod. Made by FFUR Team. |
faguss_pl |
@JF |
Jungle Fever Redux is a Vietnam war mod by Hawkins. 29 MP missions available |
faguss_pl |
@kf_server |
Kanonenfutter server mod. 23 MP missions available |
faguss_pl |
@LoBo |
The Lost Brothers - Middle East conflict mod made by The Lost Brothers mod team. Features Israeli, Egyptian, Iranian, Jordanian, Syrian soldiers and vehicles, middle east maps. Uses Locke's anim mod. 9 SP missions available. |
faguss_pl |
@myhisky |
The original 'myhisky' sky pack, featuring smooth sky transitions. Made by: 'wheres my rabbit ?'. See included readme for additional credits/details. |
charliehumbleyb |
@OFrP_Mod |
French troops and vehicles. Made by OFrP Team. 18 missions avalable |
faguss_pl |
PR Mod features an ultimate OFP addon collection – the best community creations from last 18 years are here! Examples of those are: aircrafts by Footmunch, BAS and OWP, weapons by Laser, ORCS, SJB and RHS, ground vehicles by Combat!, Inquisitor, CSLA, RHS and Sapper. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! What makes PR Mod stand out from many other clan collections is an unified configuration and effects system. Developed by Slavko, with help from Alex_Mercer_1479, Faguss and Krzychuzokecia, this system is performance-friendly while bringing a lot of authentic eye-candy such as vehicle explosions, aircraft countermeasures, blood splatter and more. |
swmod.slavko |
The idea of RCWC 1985 project is to most reliably show the traditions and appearance of the Soviet Army and the Armed Forces of some NATO countries in the period from 1969 to 1991. |
tupasvideo |
@Reforger4 |
Estimated in 2019, this mod is a whole new thing by the many aspects, still being the OFP core. It isn't screwed up with some bad scripting yet. https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/1141952-hitman1987/?tab=field_core_pfield_141 |
hitman1987 |
@Sh3 |
System Shock-like mod by Lenyoga. 1 SP mission available |
faguss_pl |
@SLX |
Made by Solus. Adds cloudlets, wounds, grass, group link, melee, suppressive fire, wind, taking captives, dragging wounded, improved AI. |
faguss_pl |
@TuPaS |
The latest version of the mod replaces all the original base vehicles. A wide variety of vehicles and units included. You can read the information provided by the creators of addons that is included in the readmes folder. |
tupasvideo |
@TZK_4.0.0 |
Special MOD for TZK CTI only. 2.01 ArmA:Resistance Required. |
IF |
@TZK_islands |
Island package for TZK missions. Not necessary if you have other island mods. |
IF |
@voice_quiet |
Removes radio voice thus speeding up messages |
faguss_pl |
@wgl5 |
WGL 5 is a complete conversion for Operation Flashpoint. Its main goal is to create a highly realistic military simulation while still allowing for entertaining and enjoyable single player, cooperative, and multiplayer gameplay. Made by WGL Team. Includes 5.12 patch. |
admin |
@wintercti7 |
The wintercti7 mod is a combination of good old ctitc7 with winterofp addons. 3 MP missions available |
faguss_pl |
@WW2_MP |
World War II Multiplayer Mod by Reyhard. 56 MP missions available |
faguss_pl |
@ww4mod25 |
Highly optimised and very numerous troops/factions and their weaponry to build massive battles without most addons usual performance hit. The mod comes with its own animation set and features. Made by Sanctuary |
faguss_pl |
@xrofp |
Island pack for XR CTI |
Eazy (TheEazy) |
Czechoslovak People's Army by CSLA Team. 10 MP missions available |
faguss_pl |
DanMod |
DanAK47's Guerrilla Pack Beta 2. Adds new units and weapons with 3d sights. 23 SP missions available. |
faguss_pl |
ffur2006 |
FFUR 2006 2.5 Modern War Crisis is a total conversion pack that utilizes the very best community addons to bring the Cold War to the 21st century. All 1985-era technologies are replaced with cutting edge Russian Federation and US Military weaponry using all new units and fine tuned configuration settings. Made by FFUR Team. |
faguss_pl |
ffur85 |
Flash FX Unit Replacement 1985 Woodland (2005 release). Edited by n00by for MP compatibility, added better textures, RES vegetation, removed "twitchy" animations. |
faguss_pl |
finmod |
Finnish Defence Forces. Includes WW2, Desert Pack, Suursaari, Winter Maldevic. Made by FDF Mod Dev Team. 46 MP missions available |
faguss_pl |
L.O.M.D.E |
New units (especially zombies and another monsters), cars, weapons etc. |
Killer14Wk8IzU |
The Liberation 41-45 Mod is based on the eastern European World War II front, and features the 1941's Barbarossa Operation, where German forces betrayed and invaded USSR by surprise. It brings a lot of outstanding units for both sides: Wehrmacht and Waffen SS for the German, RKKA & NKVD units for the Soviets, with dozen of tanks, vehicles, side-cars, soldiers, weapons... |
tupasvideo |
llaumax |
Sky texture replacement by Llauma |
faguss_pl |
OFP2021 |
Total replacement of sound, sky, effects and models of units and vehicles. Supports missions without addons. |
tupasvideo |
SFP4 |
Swedish Forces Pack. 45 MP missions available. Three missions "Op Skovde" require finmod |
faguss_pl |
swissmod |
Swiss Army. 1 MP mission available |
faguss_pl |
w39 |
Wrzesień 1939 (September 1939) mod. Public demo alfa 0.15. Made by w39Mod team. Features Polish and German soldiers and a few static weapons. |
faguss_pl |
WW1Mod |
World War I mod by ProfTournesol. 1 SP mission and 4 editor missions available |
faguss_pl |
x_vte |
Vietnam: The Experience made by PMC Tactical. 14 MP missions available |
faguss_pl |