Добро пожаловать в Расписание Игр для OFP

Органайзер многопользовательской игры Operation Flashpoint / ARMA: Cold War Assault

Game Logo

OFP Game Schedule is a system facilitating arrangement of multiplayer sessions for the 2001 video game Operation Flashpoint (made by Bohemia Interactive) and its 2011 re-release ARMA: Cold War Assault

The OFP GS website is a database of servers and mods. Players, after installing required game extensions, can browse them in the OFP's main menu, download mods and connect to the servers

Main Menu
Steam Login

Person organizing an event logs in to the website. They can do it via Steam so the entire setup can be done from the Steam game overlay

They add information about the server that the game will take place on (IP address, game time, mods)

Server details
Joining server

Players install Fwatch 1.16 with OFP Aspect Ratio pack 2.07. Server will show up in the Game Schedule menu. From there they'll be able to download required mods and join the server

Add Mod

OFP Game Schedule is also a package manager for OFP mods. Users may register new mods on the website

They submit instructions on how to install their mod. It may be as simple as a single download link or they might micromanage specific files using scripting commands

Installation script
Mod menu

Players install mods from the game using Mods menu or the Game Schedule menu (when a mod is assigned to a server)

Mods can be updated and players will see a notification in the game's main menu

Available updates
Joining server

Joining server with a single button

No need to type ip address, password and mods

Joining on time

Players may automatically add event to the Windows Task Scheduler so that they won't miss it


Joining with voice

Automatically connect to a TeamSpeak3 or a Mumble server when joining the OFP server

Automatic mod installation

No need to send links and instructions to players

Mod installation

Custom mod faces

User's face texture may be stored in a modfolder and it will be automatically activated

Disabling custom files when necessary

Players don't have to worry about their custom files preventing them from joining a server

Custom sounds

Faster loading

Modfolders can now store the missions so that players don't have to download them during the game

Server security

If the server is behind password then the only way to connect is through the Game Schedule menu. Website encrypts the password. This way users with wrong mods won't crash the server by joining it

Locked server

Текущие события:

Каждую субботу 18:00 - 20:00 CET +01:00
Не в сети

Постоянные Серверы:

Не в сети
Не в сети
Не в сети
Не в сети
Не в сети
Не в сети
faguss_pl обновил(а) событие Каждый день 19:00 - 20:00 на сервере Faguss' Home Server
faguss_pl обновил(а) событие Каждый день 19:00 - 20:00 на сервере Faguss' Home Server
faguss_pl обновил(а) событие Каждый день 19:00 - 20:00 на сервере Faguss' Home Server
faguss_pl обновил(а) событие Каждый день 19:00 - 20:00 на сервере Faguss' Home Server
faguss_pl обновил(а) мод @winterofp к версии 1.25